Late night blog!

 Hello, all this is my late-night post! I've been studying for exams and papers I have due so this a late one. 来週よっつのfinal が ありますよ!😓 私は いそがしい、でも、だいじょうぶです!!ふゆ休みはともだちをあいます。私のたんじょびは一月です!(I will be turning 19)I can't wait for my birthday, but until then かんばりましょ! 休みはシカゴにいって、ケーキをたべて、cookies をつりて、わたしのうちはかえる。This semester has been so great, I didn't think I would make any friends in this course, but I did! I loved the experience even if I was less experienced than most of my peers, I still made good friends and hope to make a stronger bond next semester! Good luck everyone on finals!!


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